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Taylor County Land Conservation

Wildlife Firebreak Mix

Wildlife Firebreak Mix

Regular price $19.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
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All prices include applicable sales taxes.

One unit plants 1/2-acre.

This mix provides good habitat for a variety of wildlife (pheasants, turkey, deer) and can be utilized as a burn break between your native CRP projects. In addition, at 40+ seeds per square foot, this mix provides excellent weed suppression for sites. It can also be utilized in and around shrub plantings. 

Includes (#s/ac): Alfalfa (VNS) (2), Clover, Alsike (0.5), Clover, Crimson (3), Clover, Ladino (0.5), Clover, White (Dutch) (0.5).

Notice on Availability: Conservation seed is ordered through our Pheasants Forever Seed Partnership as needed. Current prices and product are valid as of January 2025.

If wish to pick up your seed at the LCD office at a time other than the Tree Sale Pick-Up, contact the LCD office to make arrangements: 715-748-1469 or

Pick-up in late April/early May

Seedling orders must be picked up in person in late April or early May in Medford or Phillips, Wisconsin. Taylor County LCD does not ship trees, shrubs or planting products to individual customers.

The exact pick-up dates will be sent out in early April by email and/or USPS mail. The tree pick-up schedule has typically been on a Thursday, 3-6 p.m. and Friday, 8-11 a.m., for Medford orders and Friday from 8:30-11 a.m. for Phillips orders. If you are unable to pick up your order during those days/times, you may send another person to the pick-up or contact the Taylor County LCD at 715-748-1469 to make other arrangements.

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